ان ودائع المصرف خاضعة للتأمين من قبل شركة ضمان الوادائع


The Bank shall issue magnetic instruments, instruments of technical specifications and standards...

1- Small and craft projects loans
The loan is granted to the...

Department of Human Resources


It takes over affairs of payroll and temporary employees. It appoints new employees, finishes procedures of their appointment and transferring to where they are needed, determines their monthly salaries according to instructions, gives annual increment, promotes employees, makes and submitting gratitude or punishment letters and transfers employees depending on recommendations or for the interest of work. It also considers giving regular and sickness leave approvals according to the deserved periods, refers to medical committees regarding employees, determines number of employees to be retired due to retirement age, their request or medical reasons plus cashing their salaries against their accumulated days of leaves and does any other matters important for employees during their job years. Also, it trains and habilitates new employees, beginning training courses for various job degrees to increase their experience and skills in cooperation with competent institutions such as: The Central Bank of Iraq and The Financial and Accounting Training Center. The following divisions are linked to the department:
a- Training and Habilitation.
b- Employment and Personnel.
c- Planning, Studies and Human Resource Development.
d- Retirement.
e- Leaves and Scholarships.
f- Employee Affairs.
g- Data and Files.




مصرف الرشيد / الادارة العامة / حي الرشيد , محلة 110 , شارع 25
ص.ب. 53926 بريد باب المعظم - بغداد - العراق




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